Dual Language Immersion (DLI)

The Dual Language Immersion Program is a program of choice. Parents must apply for their children to participate. An equal linguistic balance of native English speakers and native Spanish speakers is essential. The Two Way Dual Language Immersion Programs using a 90/10 mode will be at Madison and Pershing Elementary Schools. In this program, 90% of the instruction is in the target language (Spanish) and 10% of the instruction is in English for both Kinder and 1st grades. Each year after that, the languages of instruction are adjusted as shown in the following graph until both languages reach an equal 50%-50% instructional time in the fifth grade. This is called a sequential learning model. Children learn to read in Spanish first building a strong foundation of literacy in the target language before transitioning into English reading. 

Madison Elementary School offers the DLI program as a whole-school model. All current TK-4th grade classrooms are participating in Dual Language Immersion. As the program grows, it will eventually become a school where all grades/classes are offering DLI.

Pershing Elementary School offers the DLI program as a strand, also known as a school within a school model. In this model, only two classrooms in Kindergarten are to implement the DLI program. The other Kinder classrooms will remain as Non-DLI classes. Each year the next grade level will implement the Dual Language Program until the entire school is made up of approximately half DLI classrooms and half Non-DLI classrooms. All children will contribute to the school culture knowing that both DLI and Non-DLI programs co-exist.